Top Row: Beets with Greens, Arugula, Lettuce, and Baby Carrots
Bottom Row: Broccoli, Purple Cabbage, Beefsteak Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, and Sweet Peppers.
Hi everyone! Hope y'all have been enjoying all of your greens and vegetables that this season has had to offer. We are starting to get into some of our more hardier root vegetables. This week's box is a beautiful bounty!
Again, we will have only ONE pick up day the week of Thanksgiving. It will be next Tuesday the 21st. We will offer pick up locations at M7 coffee house in Ridgeland, and also at the farm in Flora. Pick up times will be from 4-6pm. We will be sending out an email to further get in touch with everyone.
Our chickens have started to slow down with their egg production. That is of course normal this time of year with the time change, shorter days, and colder weather. Im honestly surprised that we are still even getting about 12 eggs a day. Some of our chickens are starting to molt as well. It's amazing how everything that's living changes with the seasons.
The electric deer fence we have put up around the farm seems to have helped so far! There has still been a few times where we have seen that some deer have eaten produce. The beans especially. We have learned that will happen regardless, and to always just plant a little extra when planting our starts. Some of you may remember how bad the deer were last season, and thank goodness it is nothing like that this fall.
One of my personal favorites, cauliflower, has started to form small heads in the field. The box this week may be the most colorful of all the boxes so far! It is a really great harvest this week. Hope y'all enjoy and have a wonderful week. Here are the contents of this week's box:
1. Baby Carrots- Don't discard the greens! Try in soups, finely chopped in salads, or a pesto.
2. Butternut Squash
3. Purple Cabbage
4. Sweet Peppers
5. Broccoli- Don't discard that large stalk! Chop and put into soups and stir fries. Even try peeling and making into a mash.
6. Head of field grown Lettuce
7. Arugula- Peppery green with so much flavor. Great in salads.
8. Beets- Don't discard those greens! Beet greens cook and taste much like swiss chard.
9. Beefsteak Tomatoes