Top Row: Dandelion Greens, Hakurei Turnips, Arugula, and Bok Choy
Bottom Row: Carrots, Cauliflower (Romanesco), Red Russian Kale, and Watermelon Radishes
Howdy folks! Welcome to week 9 of your CSA! We hope everyone had a great week and enjoyed your time spent with friends and family.
Was anyone able to make a pie from the recipe shared last week? If so, I would love to hear some feedback! This time of year is my favorite because of all the pies to be had!
New to your box this week are Dandelion greens! Some of you may be thinking, “that weed that grows in my yard that I try to get rid of every summer!??”. Well, yes it is, but this is a different variety than our native weed, and I am happy to say it is still loaded with TONS of medicinal and nutritional benefits. For many centuries, all over the world people have been using this green for its medicine, or just simply going in their back yard and harvesting the greens to make a lovely nutritional meal. All parts of the plant can be used as medicine, in fact the root and flowers are quite valuable in herbal medicine making. Here is a link highlighting the nutritional benefits of this green. Click Here for information on Dandelion Greens.
Thank you everyone for all of the support, and we hope you have enjoyed your boxes this Fall! Between all the rain and the worm epidemic, it has been a really tough year for us. We are learning new things with every growing season, and we really appreciate y’all taking the ride with us! I hope we have been able to supply your homes with healthy meals from our family to yours! Have a wonderful week, cheers! Here are the contents of this week’s box:
Arugula or Baby Greens Mix
Hakurei Turnips
Watermelon Radish
Bok Choy
Red Russian Kale
Dandelion Greens
10 Ways to prepare Dandelion Greens