Top Row left to right: Daikon Radishes, White Beets, Lacinato Kale, and Spring onions
Bottom Row left to right: Cilantro, Field Lettuce, Mizuno Mix, and Napa Cabbage
Hey folks! I hope everyone is doing well and y’all have been enjoying all of your vegetables! There is a new variety of beets that we are growing, white beets! I made some roasted beets this past weekend and devoured them with a nice big pot of mixed greens. So much broth was in the mixed greens that it was like eating soup! I love me some pot liquor!!
We have ordered a new delivery truck (little bigger with more horse power). We are needing this kind of truck for driving longer distances like New Orleans, etc. We have also been talking about going for a 2nd delivery to New Orleans on the weekend and also a Saturday Farmers Market there. We are so thankful for an extra outlet, such as New Orleans, & delivering our produce to local consumers there.
We have a really great box this week! One of my favorite ways to cook the Napa Cabbage is to roast it in the oven until fork tender! I also like to add a slice of bacon on top while it is roasting :). I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and eat some really nourishing meals! Cheers!
1. Mizuno Mix- A braising mix of red and green mizuno. This mix is flavorful and colorful. You can really use any of our greens to braise. Add any greens to this mix if you need to stretch it further for a meal. See easy recipe below. I personally use coconut oil or butter and sometimes i like a squeeze of lemon to replace red pepper. Also, mizuno adds a lot of flavor when chopped thinly and added to a salad.
2. Purple Daikon Radishes- Traditional radishes used in kimchi. This is also one of my absolute favorite radishes to roast in the oven.
3. White Beets
4. Lacinato Kale
5. Napa Cabbage- Light green leaves with white prominent veins. Can be used in stir fries, raw in slaws. Makes great cabbage rolls and great Kimchi, a traditional fermented Korean side dish, see recipe below.
6. Cilantro
7. Field Grown Lettuce
8. Spring Onions