Top row left to right- spring onions, yukina savoy, red beets, and swiss chard
Bottom row left to right- broccolini, dill, baby kale, and lettuce
Hello folks! I hope everyone had a great week and weekend. I am thrilled to have received great feedback from your first box. If you ever have any questions or need suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Some of you received curly kale instead of collards in your box last week. We had a shortage of collards and had to substitute.
One of our CSA members created a facebook page for people that are involved in a CSA. This is a wonderful way to share recipes/meal ideas, get a little inspiration, or one may comment about different vegetables that are in their box! I really encourage everyone to join in on this page! It's called Jackson Eats Plants! <------- Click on the link to go to their Facebook page.
Last week was very busy for us! We are finding our groove and working out a few kinks. This is our weekly schedule: Mondays we harvest for New Orleans restaurants and farmers market. Tuesday, Van leaves at 3:45 in the morning and heads to the Crescent City Farmers Market in New Orleans. Then after market he delivers produce to restaurants. Meanwhile at the farm, we are harvesting for our tuesday CSA boxes and wednesday CSA boxes. From 4-6pm, CSA pick up at the farm. Van is usually back around 7:30 or 8. Wednesday, I head to the Greenville and Cleveland to deliver CSA boxes and restaurant orders. At the farm, they are harvesting for Jackson restaurants. Thursday, harvest and pack CSA boxes for thursday pick up. Then off to deliver to local restaurants in Jackson and CSA drop off from 4-6pm at M7. Friday, we harvest for High Street Farmers Market and CSA. Saturday we are the market until 2 then general maintenance at the farm. Sundays we usually dedicate to the chickens.
We have sold quite a few T-shirts! We still have plenty more and I will have them at each CSA pick up location. It is a clever design of a beet growing in the soil with " Two Dog Farms" in the soil as well, and "Nothing BEETS Local" above the beet. On the front is a pocket with our logo.
We hope you enjoy your bounty this week! Here are the contents of this week's box:
1. Baby Kale
2. Yukina Savoy- This is an Asian green, also known as Asian spoon spinach, with young tender leaves and stalks that are excellent for salad mix and stir-fry dish. It makes a great substitute for spinach and looks/cooks about the same, but just a little spicier almost like a mustard green.
3. Red Beets- Delicious roasted or peeled and sautéed. I also enjoy pickling my beets as well! You can also eat the greens. They taste similar to swiss chard, but a little sweeter.
4. Swiss Chard
5. Broccolini- Similar to broccoli but with smaller florets and longer, thin stalks.
6. Dill- I love dill and put it on anything and everything. I especially love it chopped up finely and thrown into my salads. Give it a shot.
7. Field Grown Lettuce
8. Spring Onions- Young onions that are harvested with greens.
Roasted Beet and Baby Kale Salad