Top Row left to right: Torpedo Onions, Golden Beets, Swiss Chard, and Bulb Fennel.
Bottom Row left to right: Dill, Sweet Peas, Broccoli, and Mizuno Mix
Hey everyone, I hope y'all had a wonderful week. Well, the summer heat is upon us. It has been hot, and I know this is just the beginning. Van and I were talking the other day how we are not ready for it! Haha, but it is inevitable. We will have some extra cut sunflowers available to buy at our CSA pick up locations! They have all just started to open their blooms, and are so stunning! I figured it may be a nice addition to your CSA box for mother's day this weekend! ;)
We received our new delivery truck! Van has it today in New Orleans. Later this week we will attempt to do a second delivery in New Orleans and also the Crescent City Farmer's Market on Saturday. It should be a busy weekend!
I hope y'all have been enjoying all of the vegetables so far. We have a really great bounty for you this week. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and you are able to cook someone dear to you a delicious meal! Here are the contents of this week's box:
1. Mizuno- A braising mix of red and green mizuno. This mix is flavorful and colorful. You can really use any of our greens to braise. Add any greens to this mix if you need to stretch it further for a meal. See easy recipe below. I personally use coconut oil or butter and sometimes i like a squeeze of lemon to replace red pepper. Also, mizuno adds a lot of flavor when chopped thinly and added to a salad.
2. Golden Beets
3. Torpedo Onions- A variety of spring onion that is longer with a smaller bulb. Looks like a torpedo.
4. Swiss Chard
5. Broccoli
6. Dill
7. Fennel Bulb with Fronds- Fennel has a familiar anise flavor. The bulb is great to chop and caramelize with onions. Have it as a side or add to pizzas and pastas. Also, i like to save the fronds, the long leafy greens, and use them to flavor different dishes. I added a recipe below, but be aware it takes a little over an hour to prepare. It is easy tho, one of those dishes that you can stir every so often as you prepare the rest of your meal.
8. Sweet Peas- This variety of peas are best when shelled. They are a great snack for on the go, just sitting around, added to salads, or shell, cook, and add into a main dish.